Monday, September 11, 2023

Really? Did you MEAN that?

 There are two people on my 'friends' list who call themselves Catholic that constantly post some of the dumbest stuff I have ever read on Social Media.  They are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, which simply proves my point that the Catholic Conservative and the Catholic Liberal are two sides of the same coin - a coin that is made from the toughest metal on the planet.  Pride.  

I also know that I suffer from that sin because I sometimes get it in my head that I have to respond to their posts. Even now, rather than just scrolling on by, I need to point out to them how mean and nasty they are sounding.  It will not do any good.  They are both similar in personalities and will keep digging the holes of idiocy they stand in.  I have witnessed them flat out make things up in order to 'win'. Often, they to the age old "well this is how I FEEL" as their argument.

So why does this bother me?

I am a consecrated Lay Dominican.  I have made promises to uphold Truth.  I am in ongoing training every day to use my head for something other than holding my ears apart and I find myself offended when someone who waves their little Catholic Banner HIGH in front of people make up stupid arguments or say dumb things.  People will think they represent The Church.  Their logic is faulty, the way the put a sentence together stinks and I cannot fathom why ANYONE would think that way.

Worst of all?  They come across as smug and self-righteous.

Yup...this is what I think.

And, who cares?

Seriously - aren't I just as bad?  Don't I really want to be agreed with, to be seen as a 'Good Catholic'? Don't I want people who read my stuff to think I have a high IQ?

Of course I do.

When I see my own character defect of pride rear its ugly head, I should just disengage.  These two sisters of the mind - they are SO alike it is hilarious (though they'd horribly offended by this opinion of mine) - could care less, have a low opinion of me ANYWAY and think the way I approach Catholicism is horribly Liberal/Conservative - flip a coin.

Time for me to just let them both go.  Who gives a damn  - if people think they are The Church, that will be on them.

As for me?

I'll just keep plugging along - and scrolling on by.....

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