Thursday, January 9, 2014

Here Comes the New Year - Resolutions!

One of the best things about being a member of the Order of Preachers is that we have a totally over-the-top commitment to LEARNING.  We just LOVE to read, to watch presentations, to talk to theologians and philosophers…we just love to LEARN.

It is the reason I was drawn to the Order - the Four Pillars of Prayer, Study, Community and Apostolate now shape my life and permeate every aspect of it.  I am committed to prayer - both liturgical and contemplative - and to Study (love that learning!).  I love our little Fra Angelico Community and I am committed to the the purpose of the Order.

As much as I love being a Dominican, I really must guard against complacency.

How do I avoid it?

The complacency is avoided by always being willing to challenge myself.  I am reading, for instance, a book right now by Gary Michuta that is opening my mind to better ways to teach the Fall and Original Sin.  It is also introducing me to some of the early Christian writers' and their ideas on the role of Our Lady in Redemption.  I am always pleased to see that we do not have to reinvent the wheel - the men and women of the first and second century have it covered - but that we can always deepen our understanding and our application of Truth.

I believe that if I am always willing to go deeper, to probe and to learn and to stretch my mind I can guard against complacency.

This should hold true in all the areas of my life, including trying to understand how I am going to help my unit succeed at work, lose my last 9 pounds and become a better woman over all.

The goal should be to 'go deeper' , to be willing to cast my net into deeper waters and never fear the weight of the catch.  The net won't break.  I will be able to bring the bounty to shore.

So…for 2014….let's say my New Year's Resolution is to become a more complete me, to deepen my prayer life, to stretch my mind and work on my body.

To go deeper.

What's yours?

1 comment:

Robert said...

I will ask for more faith this year. There are a lot of other things that need work, but they are in progress and will be for a while.