Saturday, September 17, 2011

Today I have a date with a handsome man!

Today I get to do something very special.  I have a date.  A date with a handsome, young man.

Today I get to take my almost-16-year-old nephew to see Dr. Bill Cosby (American Treasure and Comedian Extraordinaire) at the Gallo Center for the Arts.

When I first saw that Dr. Cosby was going to be performing in Modesto I thought it would be fun to go see him.  When I mentioned it to Stephen and he said HE would like to see him, I figured it was a perfect birthday gift for the boy who has enough video games to sink a battle ship.

And it meant I would get to go do something with him that does not involve an action movie about blowing up aliens or driving cars 4oo miles an hour across a city bridge.

Look, I love doing anything with the kids.  I find them fascinating, loving, interesting and plain ol' fun.  Now that they are older and can almost dress themselves (an occasional suggestion and trip to Kohls is still necessary when going to some place special), it is a real blast to do something with them.

For Jillian's birthday we went to the Rock read that right, it was a Rock Show and it was fascinating.  We heard a lecture about dinosaurs and went on a scavenger hunt and spent several hours looking at fossils.  I loved it. 

I feel sorry for parents who drop kids off at the Mall every weekend.  They are missing out on so much.  To be able to spend an hour listening to one of the greatest entertainers in the history of show business will create memories for us that will keep us warm when times get tough.

I thank God for this boy.  Today I get to show God how grateful I am for his existence but spending time with him and having some fun. fabulous is that?

1 comment:

chimakuni said...

Have a marvelous time!!!