Thursday, January 29, 2009

Concern for One Another

Let us be concerned for each other, to stir a response in love and good works.
Do not absent yourself from your own assemblies, as some do, but encourage each other; the more so as you see the Day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25)


I suspect that the idea of each person concerned with the question of abortion will be willing to find a common ground among the rhetoric will be ignored. There are always going to be people more willing to score a point and put someone down than to agree that there is a good thing to wanting people to NOT have abortions.

I would love to see every man, woman and child in the United States embrace the idea that their bodies are not their own to do with as they wish; rather, they are a creature, a product of a loving and merciful God. However, for me to demand that everyone believe this would be ignoring my own history of permissive behavior and idiotic choices and basically treating myself as if I didn't matter at all.

So, I think we do need to make sure children are taught to love their bodies and respect each other - sexually, of course, but also because love is a decision and not a feeling.

I have made the decision to love people who have a deep, unmistakable hatred for me. They will rail about idealogy and piety as though having ideals and trying to be pius in one's behavior is a horrible thing. Yet, basic good manners is a form of piety and an example of an idealogy that says, "No matter what, you deserve to be treated with respect".

Oh well.

I am having so much fun writing the screenplay that it makes me want to quit my job and write, write, write. I can't, can't can't of course but I did finally get the Final Draft software and I will be putting it on my laptop this weekend.

Robert is taking his fight against the Airport District being ignored to the public forum of our city council and, predictably, is getting slammed for it. I am amazed. People have to learn to stand up for what they see as right and we yell about free speech but man, oh, man do not disagree with either a demigod or an entrenched political opinion. You will be thrown under the bus in a hot second.

I received some stuff from the shrine for Blessed Theresa of Calcutta here at work. What a wonderful suprise. I taped one of the holy cards to the bottom of the chair E and I share. The sacramental salt is still there as well. I believe in arming myself for spiritual warfare.

I am sending an application into Personnel for Office Manager - it is a step up from Clerical Supervisor and it may not be accepted but it is worth trying to do.

There is a meeting this morning with Virginia and I am so tired right now I can hardly breathe, but I have to be there.

This weekend I will be working with my sponsee S on her third step. Tonight I actually helped Stacy by doing a preparation interview with a candidate...she is preparing for her first Confession....and all this makes me a productive woman.

Yet I feel like a big lump. I have lost enough weight to make my shoes lose and I feel like a giant piece of blancmange. jello.

oh sigh.

get over yourself, is good.

1 comment:

Christine Trollinger said...

Jello is good with a little whip cream. SIGH!

Turkey necks however, (my latest bodily change, are not fun! WAAA!

You look lovely.