Saturday, November 4, 2023

Today I am Grateful for....

 I have been doing a daily gratitude list that I share with another member of my circle for over a year now.  It is a good habit to have and it requires me, after morning prayer, to acknowledge that I have good things in my life.  There are good people.  There is a modicum of safety.  There is a great deal of peace.

A daily gratitude list can be difficult to assemble.  There are some mornings I wake up sad that people I love have left The Church, or that I have been set aside by others as they rush headlong into their daily life.  Those thoughts can dominate my day if I do not pause and assemble my list of what I have in this life right now that is good, solid and true.

And I have a lot!  I have a safe place to live and financial stability.  I have two dogs that enjoy my company and a good group of solid friends, both on social media and in the flesh, that enrich my life.  I hope I do the same for them.

There are always going to be times when I wish I had chosen better as a young woman but I also recognize that my choices have given me a perspective that is unique and valuable in the world.  I guess regret can be inevitable for short spurts of time.  It's okay when it hits.  The response to those regrets is what makes my life successful and I choose, today, to be grateful for my past and for the tough decision I had to make this year.  It is important to be whole, to be integrated.  Living a life of integrity matters. 

With God's Grace I get to do that today.  Because I have made that choice, I get to do things I would never have gotten to do.

Thank you, God, for my life today exactly as it is; I wouldn't change a thing, even if I could!

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