Sunday, April 5, 2020

Holy Week at Home

This is going to be a different type of Holy Week.

I am currently working from home and sheltering in place with my 98 year old mother, my Scottish Terrier and my cat.

In order to survive the boredom I have established a routine of prayer - quiet prayer by myself - and online prayer with fellow Dominicans across the country.

I have kept up with my work as a Catechist by creating videos for my parish YouTube channel - STJMOD - in order to keep the kids from the Parish School of Religion on track.  I have no experience with making videos so this has been, um, a learning opportunity.

My dog is getting walked twice a day and is losing weight.

I am snacking too much and NOT losing weight.

All I can think of is: how can I make this week something more than just online prayer groups?

I think it is all about attitude.

As crazy as people are getting over this situation I have made a deliberate decision to resist the conspiracy theories (10 days of darkness!  Pizzagate!) and the hysteria (it's all in the Book of Revelation!  Mandatory Vacinations!  Mark of the Beast!) and hold tight to my Catholic Faith.

My Catholic perspective is not for everyone.  I think the reason for that is simple:  It is measured, it is calm, it is real and it is simple:  We trust God no matter what.  We believe in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ.  We hold fast to what we know will keep us on the right track and so we walk away from the conspiracy darkness and the anger that so many of our fellow Americans have thrown themselves into with gusto.

This is what my Holy Week will be; a quiet contemplation, a measured acceptance of what is going on around me and an active, deliberate hope in the Risen Jesus.

My Holy Week may look different this year.  It will not include Easter Vigil and it will not mean an piece of cake at midnight with new Catholics that smell of Chrism oil and glow with the Power of the Holy Spirit.

It will, however, still be Holy Week.

For that, I am very grateful.

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