Monday, July 3, 2023

When Someone Takes Your Inventory

 I have been given information about myself that I am trying to process.  It has lead to my being banned from something I love to do.  I feel this odd mixture of sadness and relief.  On the one hand, I am sure the person is right.  I have been too negative and there have been complaints about me.  I thought I had made amends for those errors but what I see now is that those mistakes will be held against me forever.  

So what happens when someone takes my inventory and it is unfair and lopsided?  

I thank them for their insight and go away.

Sure, it would be nice to have some justice in the situation but that is not going to happen.  

So, I accept.  I have been too negative.  I have made mistakes that cannot be forgiven.  I walk away and do not look back because it will do not good.

Will I miss doing what I love?  Absolutely.  I know God has a plan and will hold me up.  I can cry all I want; that chapter of my life is over.

Walk away, be kind, do not seek 'closure'.  Just go forward and try to be a better me.

Jesus, give me the grace to accept that I am decreasing while others increase.  Amen.

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