Thursday, September 26, 2019

Life is Tough and then....

When I was in college (and knew everything) we had this saying:

Life is tough, and then you die.

We thought we were hilarious, of course, because we would recite it with that wonderful flippant attitude of the young.  At that time our concept of a tough life was pretty circumspect.  Most of us had not weathered horror yet (though some had) and so for us a tough life was having a 'bad' reputation among the frat boys and girls we lived with day in and day out.   A tough life was having to haul 50 pounds of books in a backpack across campus to make it to an 9am class after a night of drinking.  A tough life was getting yelled at by our parents for going over budget or getting bad grades.  A tough life was losing Big Game to Standford.

The hard times were in front of us - failed marriages, dead children, diagnosis of cancer, lost jobs, homelessness, drug and alcohol issues, rape...all that was to come for so many of us.  The fact that we are still standing after all these years is a testimony to the human spirit.  The fact that I am not just standing but firmly rooted in Truth is a testimony to my mother's prayers and the grace received at my Baptism.

Coming to the conclusion that having a tough life can lead to immense joy, I am also starting to realize that there is always going to be an element within the Faith Community that does not see the value in a St. Lucy of Syracuse.  Reform of life and heart is encouraged and touted as something to strive for but most of us suffer from the 'how come they get paid the same wages, Lord' syndrome Jesus describes to His followers.  Sure, we want people like me back in the pews but we might also want them to be quiet and sit their with their head down in the appropriate pose of a repentant sinner.
While I believe in repentance I also believe in joy.  I know that my life has been transformed and to be able to look people in the eye and smile at them is part of the earthly reward reconciliation to Truth has allowed me.

This does not mean I don't still suffer from the effects of concupiscence.   I can go all St Jerome on you  when you attack my Catechists or try and bully me into something I know is just wrong and that can get me into trouble.  Depending upon who you are, I am either a champion or I am a flat out b#$ch.   I do not stay away long from the confessional.    I am grateful no one has ever said, "Be perfect right now or get out".

I also will forgive and cut you the slack I want because I understand we are all on this road together - walking towards God or walking away from God.  It makes for difficult traffic but we are on the same road of humanity so I get it when someone makes a wrong turn or gets a flat tire...I really try to avoid the road rage, though I am convinced there are people out here deliberately trying to start a fight every chance they get.

So, is tough...but life is also beautiful and joyful and tons of fun.  Life is a gift and we need to honor it and respect it.  Life is not something to be taken lightly or thrown away out of inconvenience.  Life can include suffering as well as great happiness.

And then....

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