Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Holy Trinity

God is not a solitary being; rather, He is the eternal community of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.  What we get to remember is that all societies exist because of the eternal community:  The Holy Trinity.

There is in God a true fatherhood that belongs to the First Person alone.  From all eternity (in the beginning) The Father has been generating The Son - not as a mere attribute but as a distinct Person.  St John wrote: In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God and the Word was God (emphasis added).    Proceeding from the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit, also a distinct Person and not merely a part of God nor an attribute of God.

The Three Persons have the blessed inmost life of the One Divine Being.  Thrice Holy God is infinitely beyond anything I can conceive in Human measure.  What I can be, however, is grateful for this Triune God, the infinite mystery of Love and Community that created me in His Own Image.  I am a being of body, mind and spirit - a reflection of the Holy Trinity, One God, my Creator.

I have a responsibility to treat myself with the dignity a creature of a Loving God deserves just as I have a duty to treat all His creatures accordingly and with Love.

I am bound to love the unlovable, for Jesus taught that there is not special virtue in loving those who are lovable.


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