Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ash Wednesday - HERE WE GO!!!!

I got to attend Mass this morning at Christ the King Parish in Pleasant Hill, the parish of my youth. I received my ashes and Holy Communion there today.

I miss Msgr Wade.

I know that time marches on and I understand that Msgr Wade is probably in Heaven right now.

But I still miss him, every time I go by good old CTK.

So we begin Lent with a reminder of our mortality. We were asked this morning to receive the mark of Christ and to go forth and BE the Gospel. I thought that was nice, but a heavy responsibility. I already blew it - losing my patience with a particularly difficult person in my life - but managed to salvage the situation by just going into my office, shutting the door, and working my buns off for the next 6 hours.

I know I am tired and I have to do a kind of double shift today...and I miss my friends and family, especially after last weekend which was filled with such fun.

This weekend is going to be crazy. I was going to go and hear Claire speak but I have a full day on Sunday and must be at the 10:30am I think, after Debbie's luncheon, I will make my way back to Modesto and go to bed.

Work has gotten so crazy...we have people here so stressed out by the long hours they are snapping and acting out. These people work so hard and we ask so much of them, my heart just breaks at the sight of their tired little faces. But I don't know what to do, besides pray and offer it up for the sins of the world.

Have Mercy on us and on the whole world....Jesus, I trust in You.

The next 40 days of purification and renewal are traditionally known to the world as a time us Catholics 'give up' something. You hear it all the time. "I'm giving up chocolate" or "I'm giving up smoking for Lent".

I am going to try and add something - St Joseph's does the Stations of The Cross during Lent on Friday nights, after Adoration.

I am going to try and make it every Friday - starting with tomorrow.

Have Mercy of me and on the whole world....Jesus, I trust in You.

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